Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Grant Money Used For Professional Development

The district received a special education improvement grant this spring. The majority of the funds are being used for professional development of all instructional staff in the area of Differentiated Instruction. Differentiated Instruction is an instructional concept that maximizes learning for all students regardless of skill level or background. It's based on the fact that in a typical classroom, students vary in their academic abilities, learning styles, personalities, interests, background knowledge, experiences, and levels of motivation for learning. When a teacher differentiates instruction, they use the best teaching practices and strategies to create different pathways that respond to the needs of diverse learners. Our first workshop was held on August 15th. Keep checking for new posts regarding Differentiated Instruction.

How To Make A Special Education Referral

If you suspect that your child has a disability, please contact me to make a referral. A team, including special educators, general educators, counselors, administrators, and the parent will review existing data (grades, attendance, testing scores, etc.) to determine if an evaluation is necessary. If it is found that an evaluation is necessary, a comprehensive evaluation will be conducted to determine if your child has a disability.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Welcome to Mrs. James's Special Services Corner!

Welcome back!! I'm looking forward to the 08-09 school year. I will be posting special services information and updates for you to view in a convenient manner.